Friday, October 1, 2010

It has been entirely too long ...

It has been WAYYYY too long since I've posted on our blog. There have been many changes and I haven't spent much time on the computer. The first big change is that I went back to work full time in the beginning of August. I got a job in the human resources department at Pella Regional Health Center. I work Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. I really like the job, my co-workers and my hours. It was made easier by the fact that Bray-Lynne adjusted to the change very well. She goes to daycare full time and enjoys it. Brandyn and myself have adjusted too; I think I was really tired at first with the new schedule but we are in a good routine now. Brandyn has been amazing through all of this too. He is so tolerant of me and is a huge help with daily things like dishes, laundry and making the bed. It has been one of the best decisions for our family so far!

The next big change is that we are expecting baby #2!! It was somewhat unexpected; but we are thrilled! I am due on March 23rd (give or take) ... it hasn't really sunk in yet that we will have 2 children by early spring! Everything has gone pretty well so far; I was more sick this time than I was with Bray. Thankfully, I am over that now and am getting more energy back. We won't be finding out the gender just like how we did with Bray-Lynne. She doesn't really get what being a big sister means yet but she'll get there.

Bray is growing and getting smarter by the day. She has learned so many words! She is a busy, little girl and loves to play with her baby dolls, puzzles, read books and play outside. We got 2 new farm kitties and she thinks she is pretty neat when she can carry them around all by herself. We hope to take up the potty training and switch to a big girl bed by the time baby #2 arrives.

I hope to keep up with the blog more now that we are in a routine. I can also get my pictures loaded on the computer finally so that helps!

1 comment:

Papa and Nana said...

That is lots of changes at the Van Zante home. I don't think your transition could of gone any smoother. It sure helps that Bray is such a little social butterfly. She loves people, being on the go and lots of interaction, now getting it everyday she seems pretty well rounded. So happy it's working well with the whole family,